backyard chicken herbal wreath


DIY Herb & Berry Wreath For Backyard Chickens

Maat van Uitert

Make this fun and healthy herbal coop wreath for your chickens! They'll love the taste, and you'll love the health benefits!

5 Must-Have Winter Herbs for Backyard Chickens

Maat van Uitert

Every chicken mama knows that a good layer feed is the foundation of a healthy diet for your backyard chickens. However, you can add herbs to your flock’s diet to keep their energy up in the winter. Here are our top 5 herb picks that will support your chickens’ immune...

Fall Chicken Coop Checklist!

Maat van Uitert

  It’s pumpkin season, and there’s lots you can do in your backyard chicken coop this season to prepare for the cooler months ahead. When the days get shorter, you might worry about flock’s health.   Although chickens weather winter pretty well in most locations (their feathers help!), just a...

Why Do Chickens Lay Eggs With Soft Shells Or Without A Shell?

Maat van Uitert

Did you notice how your chickens are laying soft eggs and are worried about it? There are a variety of factors affecting the type of eggs chickens produce. In this article, I will help you understand the reason behind getting soft eggs from your chickens and how to do something about it.